Healing Programs

We bring hope and healing to survivors of domestic abuse, human trafficking, and trauma. Our comprehensive educational services are offered in-person and online throughout the year.

What We Do

We guide survivors of abuse on their journey to heal, reclaim their voice and confidence, (re)establish financial independence, create a fulfilling life, and break out of the vicious cycle of trauma and abuse to become a Victorious Survivor.

We provide a pathway to emotional healing and spiritual wholeness, plus financial education through our in-person and online equipping courses.

We also offer temporary sanctuary housing in the Tampa Bay area to empower women to escape abuse into a safe and clean community with other women while they're on their breakthrough journey.

Don't go to war without wise guidance; victory depends on having many advisers.

-Proverbs 24:6 (NLT)

Which healing programs are available?

Healing the Hurt - In-Person Eight-Week Program

If you have experienced emotional, psychological, spiritual, physical abuse, or sexual abuse, we want to help! The first step towards healing is to commit to the healing process. It takes courage to face your pain, but it is in the pain that you will experience God face-to-face as He heals your deepest wounds! You do not need to be a believer; we only ask that you come as you are with an open heart to hear biblical truths on this topic.

This program is a weekly in-person small group meeting for one hour in the Tampa Bay area. We will work through a workbook together over eight weeks. The best part of this healing program is that you are not alone!

  • Start: Tues, Jan 28th, 2025 at 7pm EST
  • End: Tues, Mar 18th, 2025
  • Max 20 people. Enrollment will close for this program at 20 people.
  • Location: In-Person. Due to the nature of this program, our facilitator will only disclose the time and location to those enrolled.
  • Workbook Fee: $78
Enroll Now

Healing the Hurt - Online Eight-Week Program

If you have experienced emotional, psychological, spiritual, physical abuse, or sexual abuse, we want to help! The first step towards healing is to commit to the healing process. It takes courage to face your pain, but it is in the pain that you will experience God face-to-face as He heals your deepest wounds! You do not need to be a believer; we only ask that you come as you are with an open heart to hear biblical truths on this topic.

This online small group meets once a week for one hour. We will work through a workbook together over eight weeks. The best part of this healing program is that you are not alone!

  • Start: Tues, April 1st, 2025 7pm EST
  • End: Tues, May 20th, 2025
  • Location: Online. Due to the nature of this program, the facilitator will only disclose the virtual login instructions to those enrolled.
  • Workbook Fee: $78 (plus shipping)
Enrollment begins in March

Financial Independence (Spring ‘25)


Did you experience financial abuse and control in your domestic relationship? If so, we help you (re)establish financial independence to help you feel confident handling your finances on your journey to becoming a Victorious Survivor. 

  • Start: April 2025
  • End: TBD
  • Location: Online

Create a Fulfilling Life with Victorious Survivors

Becoming a Victorious Survivor means creating a fulfilling life on your terms! We help you do that with everything from practical time management and budgeting tools to PTSD coping skills and group activities within an understanding community that has experienced similar traumas and abuse. Our affinity groups offer you the chance to continue healing, supporting each other, and growing together in a group of other Victorious Survivors!

Our invite-only program is offered in-person and online for those who have completed the above healing and financial education courses.

  • Location: Online and in-person events with ongoing support.

Enrollment options will be sent to our members via email.